发布时间:2023-01-17 18:41:13作者:普门品全文网学佛人在没有皈依之前,念佛诵经、吃素放生、布施行善、供佛斋僧、建寺院等,积极做任何一件善事也是很有功德,但终究还不能算是佛弟子。要想成为真正的佛弟子,就必须要皈依佛、法、僧三宝,不但要有如法的皈依仪式,受皈者还要观想纳受皈依体,这样才能获得三宝的加被,如法行持才能获得皈依三宝的殊胜功德。
Before taking refuge in Buddhism, it is of merits for people to actively do any good deed such as chanting the name of Amitābha and Su?tras, freeing captive animals, abstaining from eating meat, doing good deeds, worshipping (pūjā) the Buddha and giving donation (dāna) to Sam?gha as well as building the temple. However, it does not mean that they are Buddhists. If a person wants to be an authentic Buddhist, he or she must take refuge to the Triple Gem, namely the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sam?gha. The person should attend the Refuge Ceremony in a proper way and visualize ordaining refuge precepts; thus, he or she will be blessed by the Triple Gem. After taking refuge in the Triple Gem, it is proper way to practice the teachings of the Buddha and simultaneously he or she can obtain extraordinary merit.
原文标题:方丈微语 | 学佛修行要皈依三宝